As promised, I will give you all you need to know to help you:
- Max Out Probux standard membership in one month
- get rented referrals with little or no investment
- manage rented referrals to gain steady profit
- get direct referrals who click daily
- Master 5 strategically selected PTC sites to earn hundreds
- EARN OVER $100.00 per day using only 5 PTC sites!
Lets Start
Important Note:
If you want to start up earning with boost go direct to STEP - 3 and buy them by investing a few dollars this is what I am following.Otherwise this tutorials tells you how to start business without a single penny.
Thanks for taking this step towards making your experience on Probux worthwhile and highly profitable. All the pages related to this guide are hidden and the only way to access the guide is to click the link you clicked to get here, so bookmark this page right away. I will be removing the link to the guide once 200 persons have joined Probux under me. Thank you and may you have great success using Probux...
STEP - 1
Probux is a registered business with real staff working to make the site sustainable and active. Probux has lived up to every claim and has been paying faithfully since they launched.
Probux standard members earn more than any other legit PTC site hands down. You WILL earn a minimum of 5 u.s cents per day for your own clicks as a standard member. Neobux, ScarletClicks, Ebuxer, Clicksia, Twickers, Incentria and other sites are legit and paying, but will have you clicking for months just to make a dollar. With Probux, you'll see your balance growing for sure even without any referrals whatsoever.
There are also many extra advertisements that become available to click during the day. Not only is this more money for us, but it is also an excellent sign that members are investing into advertising on Probux. This is what the site is really for. Once no one invests into advertising it's hard for a PTC site to be sustainable. Probux is definitely on an honest journey to improve and grow and most of all to LAST.
All in all, Probux still is governed by the universal PTC codes and this brings us to the beginning of this guide.
All PTC sites share the same golden rule.
No clicks, No cash..........................
The first and most important thing is to:
In order to get your referral earnings you must first contribute to the sites activity by clicking yourself. Missing a day means you will miss a day of referral earnings. You don't have any referrals yet but you will by the next 12 days guaranteed.
Get into the habit of clicking every day starting today. Everything else is senseless if you don't click.
STEP - 2
The second thing is to:
STEP - 3
You will get up to 60 cents in 10-12 days and you will now be able to rent your first 3 referrals but you will need to transfer 60 cents to your rental balance. To do this, simply click "add funds" located next to the Rental balance as shown above. You will then be taken to this page where you will select to add funds from your Probux Main Balance.
You will then be directed to the screen below. The increments are shown in the diagram. Simply click the appropriate buttons to adjust the figure to the amount you want to transfer (60 cents).
Unlike most PTC sites, Probux lets you transfer funds as low as 1 cent!!! Set your transfer figure to $0.60 and then click the "add funds" button.
Once the funds are added you can go back to your account page and click on the "referrals" icon to the top right corner of your screen as shown below.
On the referral page you will select the 3 pack for 60 cents. You don't have enough money to buy any other pack so this step is straight forward and needs no diagram. You will be asked to confirm the action. Simply say yes and the referrals will be added to your account instantly.
Make sure you've done your daily clicks before renting the referrals so that you can start earning from them the next day. If you were active the previous day, you can earn from your rented referrals the same day you rent them. CLICKING EVERY DAY IS IMPORANT :)
Once you've got your first 3 referrals, enable Autopay. I'll explain what this is and why you should use it. For now, just trust me :)
With your first 3 rented refs and auto-pay on, all you have to do is be patient and snowball your earnings by using your main balance to rent referrals every 7 days. With your first 3 rented referrals, you will get up to 60 cents in about 7 days instead of 12.
Simply rent another 3 pack of referrals. When you are up to 6 rented referrals you will be over 60 cents in 5 days max. On the 7th day when you are able to rent again, simply rent another 3 referrals.
(You can only rent referrals every 7 days)
By the fourth week, with 9 referrals, you will be able to buy referrals in a pack of 5 instead of 3.
With auto-pay on, you won't have to worry about extending referrals until week 5.
I will explain all the maintenance activities in detail but for now I am giving you simple step by step guidance. Don't let the terms "extending" and "recycling' scare you, it's very simple.
Simply rinse and repeat the process until you are comfortable with your daily earnings or until you max out at 200 rented referrals like I did. (best choice)
Personally, I didn't withdraw any money from Probux until I used this method for an entire month. I even threw in a little money from my own pocket to boost my rented referral arsenal. From my previous experiences in PTC, I knew that i'd rather get my daily income up to a substantial rate than trying to "penny click" my way to cash-out. That's the wrong mentality for PTC success. Patience using this method pays in Probux.
It's better to make 2 dollars per day than 20 per month.
The key is increasing your daily earnings. Before going to PHASE - 2, lets recap the basic strategy we just learned.
Your goal for this phase is to:
- Click daily without fail
- Multiply your daily earnings by reinvesting your main balance toward renting referrals
- Get up to 200 rented referrals so you can cash-out every 7 days like clockwork until you have earned enough for an upgrade
All you have to do is be patient and keep renting those refs. Consider this a business building phase. It works and works well! You will be glad you did it this way...
Now you've gotten into the gist of what you will be doing during your first month. For those who invested out of pocket and took the head start by getting 50 or 100 referrals right away, this page is crucial to you right now.
For others who are snowballing without investment, this information is just as useful to you and you have more time to practice referral management as you climb your way to success.
Your PTC income is in your referrals. You can also use PTC as an advertising platform to gain affiliate and other income to make serious earnings online. For now let's look at referrals...
What is a referral?
A referral is a person who has joined a PTC site through the advertising efforts of the Website Administrator/s or the website's registered members. In essence, all members who join a PTC site is a referral one way or the other.
There are 2 types of referrals:
This is a member who joined the site via the referral link of another member thus linking the new member to the member who invited him/her. The website will give commissions to the referrer for the clicks the referred member makes.
This is a member who joined the site by visiting the default website link through search engines or who joined via the advertising efforts of the website administrator/s. These members are linked to the system and are available for renting for a small fee. The commissions for rented referral clicks are higher to increase the probability of profitability on your investment. When a rented referral is no longer paid for, they go back into the system and are available to be rented again once they are active clickers.
Direct referrals don't need management until you've reached close to the maximum amount allowed. They joined through your link and don't need to be renewed. They are forever linked to you. Therefore, it makes no sense to worry about a direct referral not clicking. You can only gain from them and you cannot loose. Once you are approaching the limit, you can then delete dead refs to make space for active refs.
This requires more effort and knowledge. You invested to get these referrals and your main goal is to make back your 20 cents investment with profit. To effectively do this, you need to know what to look for and what to focus on.
The main mistake people who use rented referrals make all the time is focusing on the average clicks of rented refs. They say if the average is below 2.0 you are losing money. In reality, that approach is only truly accurate if the referral has never been recycled. Once the referral is recycled, their average goes with them and the new referral will start with a fresh average.
For example:
A referral can click for 2 days and have an average above 4.0 and then stop clicking for 5 days and have a average below 2.0. If that referral is recycled and the new referral clicks right away, his average will be high again. That's what it's about right???Great news right??? Not exactly.....
Here's an accurate display of what just took place:
You MUST calculate your success in dollars and cents not averages!!! You invested money in order to get more money you didn't invest an average to get more averages. Focus on the money. What really took place in the above scenario is common but not good.
Let's do the money math without averages,
- To get the referral costs $0.20
- Pay per referral click is $0.005 for standard members and $0.01 for Golden members.
- Cost to recycle is $0.07
The above scenario said that the referral clicked 2 days in a row and had an average above 4.0. The average is good but the thing is, that referral only made you 2 cents (excluding autopay fees)
That means you are now 18 cents away from getting back your investment
The referral stopped clicking for 5 days and the average dropped. You then decided to recycle them so you could stop losing rental days and money. You recycle them and the new ref starts clicking right away for 2 days. His average is now sky high again. Hooraaaaaay right??? Not exactly...
You spent 7 cents to recycle the referral and despite a good average once again,
You are actually minus 7 cents from where you started or 25 cents away from getting back you investment instead of 20. Frankly put,
You are now -5 cents in the red and you need 2-3 days before you can even get back to the 20 cent mark.
This referral can stop clicking for 10 days and still be above a 2.0 average despite keeping me 17 cents away from making a profit for the rental duration.
Focus on the amount of clicks versus the duration of time left for the rental.
Focus on the date of the last click and the amount of clicks total.
As a standard member, you need 40 clicks to break even and start making profit. (requires a minimum of 10 active days out of the 30 day rental period)
As a Golden member you need 20 clicks to break even and start making profit. (requires a minimum of 5 active days out of the 30 day rental period)
Any referral that has not given you at least 40 clicks as a standard member has not returned your investment. (20 clicks for golden members)
The clicks reveal the exact amount of money earned. My above figures don't even include autopay. With autopay reflected, the daily earnings will be a bit less but the likelihood of making profit in the end is greater.
Below shows one of my referrals that i rented the same day I became a golden member. (18th Dec 2012)
As shown above, they have made 43 clicks which represents 43 cents since I earn 1 cent per ref click as a golden member. I have made back double my investment already and thanks to autopay, I still have 24 days of pure profit to collect. This is a profitable referral who is worthy of extending and I would allow 6-8 inactive days before recycling instead o 4-5. I would also add 90 days to their rental period in a heartbeat.
Autopay is what enabled me to have this referral for 24 more days even though I've had them for 16 days already. It's time to learn exactly what autopay is.
What is it?
Autopay is a system based tool that enables you to invest the first click of the day for each referral towards paying to keep them for an extra day. It allows you to automatically have your referrals extending themselves for extra days just by being active. With autopay on, if a referral has 29 days left and clicks, he will be automatically your referral for 30 days. That means tommorow that referral will be at 29 days again. If he clicks again, the next day he'll have 29 days again. This can go on for up to 20 days for a fee of less than 1 cent per day.
Turn autopay on as soon as you rent your first 3 refs and keep it on indefinitely.
What is it?
Recycling is replacing a referral (normally an inactive one) with a new referral that has clicked recently and is likely to be more active. There is a fee to recycle referrals which makes it necessary but negative. It's the harsh reality of referral renting. An inactive referral means you are losing money and the only way to stop losing money is to lose more money!!! That's why recycling should be done in a strategic manner. If you focus on averages you WILL overspend and end up with many unprofitable referral positions.
The best way to view a rented referral is to view them as a referral POSITION. In reality, you have a 30 day, 20 cent position that you can shift referrals in and out of. If a referral is not clicking in his position, fire him and hire a new referral to click in his place. That's what recycling is for. Renewing the referral while keeping the POSITION. With that said, here is the best way to manage your referral positions using recycling.
Recycle a referral if:
- They have not clicked for 4 days after initial purchase
- Have not clicked in 4 days and has not made 40 clicks within 15 days (20 clicks for golden members)
- Has not clicked for 5 days at any given time.
Be lenient with any referral that has made above 40 clicks (20 for golden members) and allow them 6 inactive days before recycling. They've made you profit so don't be too harsh on them. You may just spend 7 cents prematurely and end up putting yourself out of profit for that referral and end up at a loss for deducting 7 cents from what they've earned you already.
What is it?
This is simply adding days to your rental period. When extending, you can now choose from a selection of durations that weren't available before
You will now be able to add as few as 15 days or as many as 240. Extending them for 60 days and upward will attract a discount that increases according to the extension duration. (more days, bigger discount) Here's a breakdown:
- 60 days - 10% discount
- 90 days - 20% discount
- 150 - 25% discount
- 240 - 30% discount
All you have to do is go to rented referrals listings and check the referral/s you want to extend, or recycle. Once checked off, the action bar will appear below. Simply click the down arrow and the above selections will appear. Look at the diagram below and notice the above mentioned areas in red.
Notice how many referrals I have already extended for long durations taking advantage of my high daily earnings and the discounts for renting refs longer than 30 days.
It's important to monitor your referral rental duration especially if you buy large packs. If you buy a 100 pack or referrals it is more likely to have quite a few referrals needing extension around the same time. When you see referrals reaching down to 5 days remaining, don't cash-out unless you are sure you have 3 days before a rental expires. These 3 days should enable you to earn more than enough money to recycle and extend referrals using money generated by the system (main balance).
If you cash-out today and 10 referrals need extending tomorrow, you would be in trouble and would end up losing those referral positions or end up having to reinvest the money you cashed out (with withdrawal fees) right back into the same account you took it from. It's better to extend referrals using the untouched money already in the system.
As i said earlier, Once you are up to 200 rented refs as a standard member you will be making dollars per day so you should be able to cash-out double digits every 7 days.
You can now focus on managing your referrals and cashing out your earnings until you get $70.00 in your Paypal/Payza/LibertyReserve account. This can take a while but you can speed up the process by getting direct referrals to boost your daily income or paying your way through. I used money from my Probux earnings and added a bit of my own money to get a jump off. Once golden, you will make double what you made before and can have your investment back way before your 1 year upgrade is finished. I've cashed out over $40.00 within one month of going gold and I've been using my main balance to buy and manage referrals!
From my personal experience I estimate that it takes only 450 rented referrals to have your Probux account self sustaining and growing by 100 refs weekly. I am at 501 and I don't necessarily need to invest from my pocket any more. I literally buy 100 refs for $21.00 on one day and make more than the $5.00 minimum cash-out within 24 hours easily. Every time I can buy refs I buy 100 and every time I can cash-out, I cash out double digits. With each 100 refs added, my daily earnings will increase therefore giving me bigger cash-outs every 5 days while still buying refs every 7 days.
PHASE 2 is now completed. Lets's recap our goal
During PHASE 2 your goal is to:
- manage your rented referrals
- Cash-out as frequently as possible until you've made the entire upgrade fee or at least some of it.
- Go golden and start snowballing your way to 450 refs
- Use your main balance to buy at least 50 refs every 7 days
- Max out at 2000 rented referrals (takes 4 months)
During these 4 moths there are other things you can do to make more money and make your journey even easier.
It's time to learn how to get direct referrals and master 4 other PTC sites so you can earn over $100.00 per day. Ready to go???

Thanks for taking this step towards making your experience on Probux worthwhile and highly profitable. All the pages related to this guide are hidden and the only way to access the guide is to click the link you clicked to get here, so bookmark this page right away. I will be removing the link to the guide once 200 persons have joined Probux under me. Thank you and may you have great success using Probux...
STEP - 1
Probux is a registered business with real staff working to make the site sustainable and active. Probux has lived up to every claim and has been paying faithfully since they launched.
Probux standard members earn more than any other legit PTC site hands down. You WILL earn a minimum of 5 u.s cents per day for your own clicks as a standard member. Neobux, ScarletClicks, Ebuxer, Clicksia, Twickers, Incentria and other sites are legit and paying, but will have you clicking for months just to make a dollar. With Probux, you'll see your balance growing for sure even without any referrals whatsoever.
There are also many extra advertisements that become available to click during the day. Not only is this more money for us, but it is also an excellent sign that members are investing into advertising on Probux. This is what the site is really for. Once no one invests into advertising it's hard for a PTC site to be sustainable. Probux is definitely on an honest journey to improve and grow and most of all to LAST.
All in all, Probux still is governed by the universal PTC codes and this brings us to the beginning of this guide.
All PTC sites share the same golden rule.
No clicks, No cash..........................
The first and most important thing is to:
In order to get your referral earnings you must first contribute to the sites activity by clicking yourself. Missing a day means you will miss a day of referral earnings. You don't have any referrals yet but you will by the next 12 days guaranteed.
Get into the habit of clicking every day starting today. Everything else is senseless if you don't click.
The second thing is to:
Now you've gotten into the gist of what you will be doing during your first month. For those who invested out of pocket and took the head start by getting 50 or 100 referrals right away, this page is crucial to you right now.
For others who are snowballing without investment, this information is just as useful to you and you have more time to practice referral management as you climb your way to success.
Your PTC income is in your referrals. You can also use PTC as an advertising platform to gain affiliate and other income to make serious earnings online. For now let's look at referrals...
What is a referral?
A referral is a person who has joined a PTC site through the advertising efforts of the Website Administrator/s or the website's registered members. In essence, all members who join a PTC site is a referral one way or the other.
There are 2 types of referrals:
This is a member who joined the site via the referral link of another member thus linking the new member to the member who invited him/her. The website will give commissions to the referrer for the clicks the referred member makes.
This is a member who joined the site by visiting the default website link through search engines or who joined via the advertising efforts of the website administrator/s. These members are linked to the system and are available for renting for a small fee. The commissions for rented referral clicks are higher to increase the probability of profitability on your investment. When a rented referral is no longer paid for, they go back into the system and are available to be rented again once they are active clickers.
Direct referrals don't need management until you've reached close to the maximum amount allowed. They joined through your link and don't need to be renewed. They are forever linked to you. Therefore, it makes no sense to worry about a direct referral not clicking. You can only gain from them and you cannot loose. Once you are approaching the limit, you can then delete dead refs to make space for active refs.
This requires more effort and knowledge. You invested to get these referrals and your main goal is to make back your 20 cents investment with profit. To effectively do this, you need to know what to look for and what to focus on.
The main mistake people who use rented referrals make all the time is focusing on the average clicks of rented refs. They say if the average is below 2.0 you are losing money. In reality, that approach is only truly accurate if the referral has never been recycled. Once the referral is recycled, their average goes with them and the new referral will start with a fresh average.
For example:
A referral can click for 2 days and have an average above 4.0 and then stop clicking for 5 days and have a average below 2.0. If that referral is recycled and the new referral clicks right away, his average will be high again. That's what it's about right???Great news right??? Not exactly.....
Here's an accurate display of what just took place:
You MUST calculate your success in dollars and cents not averages!!! You invested money in order to get more money you didn't invest an average to get more averages. Focus on the money. What really took place in the above scenario is common but not good.
Let's do the money math without averages,
Autopay is what enabled me to have this referral for 24 more days even though I've had them for 16 days already. It's time to learn exactly what autopay is.
Get into the habit of clicking every day starting today. Everything else is senseless if you don't click.
STEP - 2
The second thing is to:
STEP - 3
You will get up to 60 cents in 10-12 days and you will now be able to rent your first 3 referrals but you will need to transfer 60 cents to your rental balance. To do this, simply click "add funds" located next to the Rental balance as shown above. You will then be taken to this page where you will select to add funds from your Probux Main Balance.
You will then be directed to the screen below. The increments are shown in the diagram. Simply click the appropriate buttons to adjust the figure to the amount you want to transfer (60 cents).
Unlike most PTC sites, Probux lets you transfer funds as low as 1 cent!!! Set your transfer figure to $0.60 and then click the "add funds" button.
Once the funds are added you can go back to your account page and click on the "referrals" icon to the top right corner of your screen as shown below.
On the referral page you will select the 3 pack for 60 cents. You don't have enough money to buy any other pack so this step is straight forward and needs no diagram. You will be asked to confirm the action. Simply say yes and the referrals will be added to your account instantly.
Make sure you've done your daily clicks before renting the referrals so that you can start earning from them the next day. If you were active the previous day, you can earn from your rented referrals the same day you rent them. CLICKING EVERY DAY IS IMPORANT :)
Once you've got your first 3 referrals, enable Autopay. I'll explain what this is and why you should use it. For now, just trust me :)
With your first 3 rented refs and auto-pay on, all you have to do is be patient and snowball your earnings by using your main balance to rent referrals every 7 days. With your first 3 rented referrals, you will get up to 60 cents in about 7 days instead of 12.
Simply rent another 3 pack of referrals. When you are up to 6 rented referrals you will be over 60 cents in 5 days max. On the 7th day when you are able to rent again, simply rent another 3 referrals.
(You can only rent referrals every 7 days)
By the fourth week, with 9 referrals, you will be able to buy referrals in a pack of 5 instead of 3.
With auto-pay on, you won't have to worry about extending referrals until week 5.
I will explain all the maintenance activities in detail but for now I am giving you simple step by step guidance. Don't let the terms "extending" and "recycling' scare you, it's very simple.
Simply rinse and repeat the process until you are comfortable with your daily earnings or until you max out at 200 rented referrals like I did. (best choice)
Personally, I didn't withdraw any money from Probux until I used this method for an entire month. I even threw in a little money from my own pocket to boost my rented referral arsenal. From my previous experiences in PTC, I knew that i'd rather get my daily income up to a substantial rate than trying to "penny click" my way to cash-out. That's the wrong mentality for PTC success. Patience using this method pays in Probux.
It's better to make 2 dollars per day than 20 per month.
The key is increasing your daily earnings. Before going to PHASE - 2, lets recap the basic strategy we just learned.
Your goal for this phase is to:
- Click daily without fail
- Multiply your daily earnings by reinvesting your main balance toward renting referrals
- Get up to 200 rented referrals so you can cash-out every 7 days like clockwork until you have earned enough for an upgrade
All you have to do is be patient and keep renting those refs. Consider this a business building phase. It works and works well! You will be glad you did it this way...

Now you've gotten into the gist of what you will be doing during your first month. For those who invested out of pocket and took the head start by getting 50 or 100 referrals right away, this page is crucial to you right now.
For others who are snowballing without investment, this information is just as useful to you and you have more time to practice referral management as you climb your way to success.
Your PTC income is in your referrals. You can also use PTC as an advertising platform to gain affiliate and other income to make serious earnings online. For now let's look at referrals...
What is a referral?
A referral is a person who has joined a PTC site through the advertising efforts of the Website Administrator/s or the website's registered members. In essence, all members who join a PTC site is a referral one way or the other.
There are 2 types of referrals:
This is a member who joined the site via the referral link of another member thus linking the new member to the member who invited him/her. The website will give commissions to the referrer for the clicks the referred member makes.
This is a member who joined the site by visiting the default website link through search engines or who joined via the advertising efforts of the website administrator/s. These members are linked to the system and are available for renting for a small fee. The commissions for rented referral clicks are higher to increase the probability of profitability on your investment. When a rented referral is no longer paid for, they go back into the system and are available to be rented again once they are active clickers.
Direct referrals don't need management until you've reached close to the maximum amount allowed. They joined through your link and don't need to be renewed. They are forever linked to you. Therefore, it makes no sense to worry about a direct referral not clicking. You can only gain from them and you cannot loose. Once you are approaching the limit, you can then delete dead refs to make space for active refs.
This requires more effort and knowledge. You invested to get these referrals and your main goal is to make back your 20 cents investment with profit. To effectively do this, you need to know what to look for and what to focus on.
The main mistake people who use rented referrals make all the time is focusing on the average clicks of rented refs. They say if the average is below 2.0 you are losing money. In reality, that approach is only truly accurate if the referral has never been recycled. Once the referral is recycled, their average goes with them and the new referral will start with a fresh average.
For example:
A referral can click for 2 days and have an average above 4.0 and then stop clicking for 5 days and have a average below 2.0. If that referral is recycled and the new referral clicks right away, his average will be high again. That's what it's about right???Great news right??? Not exactly.....
Here's an accurate display of what just took place:
You MUST calculate your success in dollars and cents not averages!!! You invested money in order to get more money you didn't invest an average to get more averages. Focus on the money. What really took place in the above scenario is common but not good.
Let's do the money math without averages,
- To get the referral costs $0.20
- Pay per referral click is $0.005 for standard members and $0.01 for Golden members.
- Cost to recycle is $0.07
The above scenario said that the referral clicked 2 days in a row and had an average above 4.0. The average is good but the thing is, that referral only made you 2 cents (excluding autopay fees)
That means you are now 18 cents away from getting back your investment
The referral stopped clicking for 5 days and the average dropped. You then decided to recycle them so you could stop losing rental days and money. You recycle them and the new ref starts clicking right away for 2 days. His average is now sky high again. Hooraaaaaay right??? Not exactly...
You spent 7 cents to recycle the referral and despite a good average once again,
You are actually minus 7 cents from where you started or 25 cents away from getting back you investment instead of 20. Frankly put,
You are now -5 cents in the red and you need 2-3 days before you can even get back to the 20 cent mark.
This referral can stop clicking for 10 days and still be above a 2.0 average despite keeping me 17 cents away from making a profit for the rental duration.
Focus on the amount of clicks versus the duration of time left for the rental.
Focus on the date of the last click and the amount of clicks total.
As a standard member, you need 40 clicks to break even and start making profit. (requires a minimum of 10 active days out of the 30 day rental period)
Focus on the date of the last click and the amount of clicks total.
As a standard member, you need 40 clicks to break even and start making profit. (requires a minimum of 10 active days out of the 30 day rental period)
As a Golden member you need 20 clicks to break even and start making profit. (requires a minimum of 5 active days out of the 30 day rental period)
Any referral that has not given you at least 40 clicks as a standard member has not returned your investment. (20 clicks for golden members)
The clicks reveal the exact amount of money earned. My above figures don't even include autopay. With autopay reflected, the daily earnings will be a bit less but the likelihood of making profit in the end is greater.
Below shows one of my referrals that i rented the same day I became a golden member. (18th Dec 2012)
As shown above, they have made 43 clicks which represents 43 cents since I earn 1 cent per ref click as a golden member. I have made back double my investment already and thanks to autopay, I still have 24 days of pure profit to collect. This is a profitable referral who is worthy of extending and I would allow 6-8 inactive days before recycling instead o 4-5. I would also add 90 days to their rental period in a heartbeat.
The clicks reveal the exact amount of money earned. My above figures don't even include autopay. With autopay reflected, the daily earnings will be a bit less but the likelihood of making profit in the end is greater.
Below shows one of my referrals that i rented the same day I became a golden member. (18th Dec 2012)
As shown above, they have made 43 clicks which represents 43 cents since I earn 1 cent per ref click as a golden member. I have made back double my investment already and thanks to autopay, I still have 24 days of pure profit to collect. This is a profitable referral who is worthy of extending and I would allow 6-8 inactive days before recycling instead o 4-5. I would also add 90 days to their rental period in a heartbeat.
What is it?
Autopay is a system based tool that enables you to invest the first click of the day for each referral towards paying to keep them for an extra day. It allows you to automatically have your referrals extending themselves for extra days just by being active. With autopay on, if a referral has 29 days left and clicks, he will be automatically your referral for 30 days. That means tommorow that referral will be at 29 days again. If he clicks again, the next day he'll have 29 days again. This can go on for up to 20 days for a fee of less than 1 cent per day.
Turn autopay on as soon as you rent your first 3 refs and keep it on indefinitely.
Turn autopay on as soon as you rent your first 3 refs and keep it on indefinitely.
What is it?
Recycling is replacing a referral (normally an inactive one) with a new referral that has clicked recently and is likely to be more active. There is a fee to recycle referrals which makes it necessary but negative. It's the harsh reality of referral renting. An inactive referral means you are losing money and the only way to stop losing money is to lose more money!!! That's why recycling should be done in a strategic manner. If you focus on averages you WILL overspend and end up with many unprofitable referral positions.
The best way to view a rented referral is to view them as a referral POSITION. In reality, you have a 30 day, 20 cent position that you can shift referrals in and out of. If a referral is not clicking in his position, fire him and hire a new referral to click in his place. That's what recycling is for. Renewing the referral while keeping the POSITION. With that said, here is the best way to manage your referral positions using recycling.
Recycle a referral if:
- They have not clicked for 4 days after initial purchase
- Have not clicked in 4 days and has not made 40 clicks within 15 days (20 clicks for golden members)
- Has not clicked for 5 days at any given time.
Be lenient with any referral that has made above 40 clicks (20 for golden members) and allow them 6 inactive days before recycling. They've made you profit so don't be too harsh on them. You may just spend 7 cents prematurely and end up putting yourself out of profit for that referral and end up at a loss for deducting 7 cents from what they've earned you already.
What is it?
This is simply adding days to your rental period. When extending, you can now choose from a selection of durations that weren't available before
You will now be able to add as few as 15 days or as many as 240. Extending them for 60 days and upward will attract a discount that increases according to the extension duration. (more days, bigger discount) Here's a breakdown:
All you have to do is go to rented referrals listings and check the referral/s you want to extend, or recycle. Once checked off, the action bar will appear below. Simply click the down arrow and the above selections will appear. Look at the diagram below and notice the above mentioned areas in red.
Notice how many referrals I have already extended for long durations taking advantage of my high daily earnings and the discounts for renting refs longer than 30 days.
It's important to monitor your referral rental duration especially if you buy large packs. If you buy a 100 pack or referrals it is more likely to have quite a few referrals needing extension around the same time. When you see referrals reaching down to 5 days remaining, don't cash-out unless you are sure you have 3 days before a rental expires. These 3 days should enable you to earn more than enough money to recycle and extend referrals using money generated by the system (main balance).
If you cash-out today and 10 referrals need extending tomorrow, you would be in trouble and would end up losing those referral positions or end up having to reinvest the money you cashed out (with withdrawal fees) right back into the same account you took it from. It's better to extend referrals using the untouched money already in the system.
As i said earlier, Once you are up to 200 rented refs as a standard member you will be making dollars per day so you should be able to cash-out double digits every 7 days.
You can now focus on managing your referrals and cashing out your earnings until you get $70.00 in your Paypal/Payza/LibertyReserve account. This can take a while but you can speed up the process by getting direct referrals to boost your daily income or paying your way through. I used money from my Probux earnings and added a bit of my own money to get a jump off. Once golden, you will make double what you made before and can have your investment back way before your 1 year upgrade is finished. I've cashed out over $40.00 within one month of going gold and I've been using my main balance to buy and manage referrals!
From my personal experience I estimate that it takes only 450 rented referrals to have your Probux account self sustaining and growing by 100 refs weekly. I am at 501 and I don't necessarily need to invest from my pocket any more. I literally buy 100 refs for $21.00 on one day and make more than the $5.00 minimum cash-out within 24 hours easily. Every time I can buy refs I buy 100 and every time I can cash-out, I cash out double digits. With each 100 refs added, my daily earnings will increase therefore giving me bigger cash-outs every 5 days while still buying refs every 7 days.
PHASE 2 is now completed. Lets's recap our goal
During PHASE 2 your goal is to:
You will now be able to add as few as 15 days or as many as 240. Extending them for 60 days and upward will attract a discount that increases according to the extension duration. (more days, bigger discount) Here's a breakdown:
- 60 days - 10% discount
- 90 days - 20% discount
- 150 - 25% discount
- 240 - 30% discount
All you have to do is go to rented referrals listings and check the referral/s you want to extend, or recycle. Once checked off, the action bar will appear below. Simply click the down arrow and the above selections will appear. Look at the diagram below and notice the above mentioned areas in red.
Notice how many referrals I have already extended for long durations taking advantage of my high daily earnings and the discounts for renting refs longer than 30 days.
It's important to monitor your referral rental duration especially if you buy large packs. If you buy a 100 pack or referrals it is more likely to have quite a few referrals needing extension around the same time. When you see referrals reaching down to 5 days remaining, don't cash-out unless you are sure you have 3 days before a rental expires. These 3 days should enable you to earn more than enough money to recycle and extend referrals using money generated by the system (main balance).
If you cash-out today and 10 referrals need extending tomorrow, you would be in trouble and would end up losing those referral positions or end up having to reinvest the money you cashed out (with withdrawal fees) right back into the same account you took it from. It's better to extend referrals using the untouched money already in the system.
As i said earlier, Once you are up to 200 rented refs as a standard member you will be making dollars per day so you should be able to cash-out double digits every 7 days.
You can now focus on managing your referrals and cashing out your earnings until you get $70.00 in your Paypal/Payza/LibertyReserve account. This can take a while but you can speed up the process by getting direct referrals to boost your daily income or paying your way through. I used money from my Probux earnings and added a bit of my own money to get a jump off. Once golden, you will make double what you made before and can have your investment back way before your 1 year upgrade is finished. I've cashed out over $40.00 within one month of going gold and I've been using my main balance to buy and manage referrals!
From my personal experience I estimate that it takes only 450 rented referrals to have your Probux account self sustaining and growing by 100 refs weekly. I am at 501 and I don't necessarily need to invest from my pocket any more. I literally buy 100 refs for $21.00 on one day and make more than the $5.00 minimum cash-out within 24 hours easily. Every time I can buy refs I buy 100 and every time I can cash-out, I cash out double digits. With each 100 refs added, my daily earnings will increase therefore giving me bigger cash-outs every 5 days while still buying refs every 7 days.
PHASE 2 is now completed. Lets's recap our goal
During PHASE 2 your goal is to:
- manage your rented referrals
- Cash-out as frequently as possible until you've made the entire upgrade fee or at least some of it.
- Go golden and start snowballing your way to 450 refs
- Use your main balance to buy at least 50 refs every 7 days
- Max out at 2000 rented referrals (takes 4 months)
During these 4 moths there are other things you can do to make more money and make your journey even easier.
It's time to learn how to get direct referrals and master 4 other PTC sites so you can earn over $100.00 per day. Ready to go???
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